Marcus Herne is a UK based composer, producer and sound and visual artist, who’s distinct compositional and production style treads a ferocious path uniting and adapting practices from classical minimalism, experimental sound design and contemporary classical as well as electronic music production.  

Whilst studying sound production at university Herne released a series of works for independent label Electrotheque Records, as well as playing a series of live shows, sharing diverse line ups with acts such as Snapped Ankles, Alex Banks and Fuck Art Let's Dance.

After graduating, Marcus earned credits for production and mix engineering in both the UK and US, which included working on English rapper/producer Mickey Lightfoot’s 2016 EP Wearing the Rent (PAY£ THE PRICE€).

Herne has also written music for a number of film and visual media projects, including 2017 short film ‘Chrono’ and the ‘See the world differently’ commercial for renowned camera maker Leica.  As well as his works in these area’s Herne also collaborates on a number of projects in theatre, performance and other audio visual art forms including ongoing collaborations with students of the RCA.

In 2021 Herne released EP Forms - which took inspiration from the beauty and brutality of beginnings and evolution, and exploring both the progressive and accumulative stages of cosmic creation.  The EP had a 20 minute visual accompaniment, also created by Herne.  2021 then saw Marcus’s fist contribution to Piano Day, with his track 88, with the following track 88.II receiving critical acclaim, and was included in Stationary Travels official piano day round up, along with artists such as Michael Price, Simeon Walker and Julia Gjertsen.

2023 saw the release Herne’s third contribution to Piano Day in 88.III, which was shortly followed up by FORMS REDUX - an EP including four reimagining’s of tracks from his 2021 EP Forms.  Marcus also scored the short documentary ‘Luminaries’, made in association with restaurant chain Dishoom, which focused on key figures from India’s road to independence.

2023 also marked Herne’s return to live performance, playing synths and keys in psychedelic art rock outfit Max Fulcrum & The Win, as well as his own solo shows.